2. Updated copy of the issuer's articles of association.
3. Certificate of the commercial register or, in the case of an entity not subject to commercial registration, a document of equal strength emanated by those who have the power to do so, proving the existence and date of constitution of the issuer, the amount of its capital stock and Identification of all members of its management and supervisory bodies.
4. Management reports, accounts and opinions of the supervisory body of the issuer for the last two financial years, or only for the years
5. Audit report of the issuer issued by an independent auditor authorized by the Ministry of Planning and Finance, if the documents referred to in the previous point have not already been certified by an auditor who meets these requirements.
6. Certificate issued by the issuer or financial intermediary where the account has been opened proving the existence of the issuance registration account,
7. Indication of the holders of the company's share capital, in the form of a listing, with a breakdown of their respective shareholdings, and photocopies of the attendance book sheets must be provided at the most recent General Meeting held, without prejudice to the presentation, if any, of The most recent document demonstrating the information in question.
8. Draft prospectus for admission to listing.